The end of usa empire

Posted on Jan 21, 2025 by Aufani yukzanali 3 min

The USA is an empire, a great one, but this video share a provocative thoughts that this empire is falling like the fall of Rome.

If you haven't watched the video please watch it first. This post isn't going to discuss about the fall of the USA but what might come afterwards.

I'd like to make a prediction if not to impolite.

After the fall of the US Empire, the new government arises. One with new idea, new paradigm and new model of a country. One that its people agree to build upon.

A blend-in between a new form of liberal democracy merge with a new form of caliphate.

What does that mean you wonder.

I too have no real understanding. But hear me out.

If we agree that the US empire collapse and fall is inevitable, then we must assume that the people, or what's left of its people, want to rebuild.

But they don't want to have a liberal democracy that they have now. If they do, why the fall happen in the first place?

So, a liberal democracy caliphate means that the people, some who are eligible to elect, elect the caliphate to run for office for a lifetime. (or until they see fit)

This's isn't like Community China where only one political party. A liberal Democratic Caliphate will have multi parties.

And it's not like Russia where one political party, even they have 27 of them, has overwhelmingly control the government.

A system to have balance control between political parties must be in place.

Why lifetime is important you may wonder.

A four year term or even if elected the second term wouldn't have enough time to run a big and massive population as the new government subsequent to the USA.

I understand the worry of violation of power. One man with that power for a lifetime is truly dangerous idea.

Let's then talk the phrase I use earlier "some who are eligible to elect". Perhaps, this's important for a new liberal democracy caliphate.

In short, everybody can vote but we need to raise the bar who can vote, not by age but by some other mechanism such as education, social contribution or others. Also, one vote does not equal the other. The vote of secretary general does not equal to newly university graduate.

Having said that, vote shouldn't be anonymous. who vote whom should be visible on the ballot.

Let's say if 300 thousands can and eligible to vote, this does not mean that we have 300 thousands votes.

Why? Because not all votes are equal. One person is counted up to - for example - 10 votes while some other only counted as one votes.

The ranking of votes makes votes fair. for example, a kindergarten teacher's judgement and analyses who should be in charge does not equal to a senator or ex-senator judgment. Governors or ex-governors are likely to have the same votes as university professors. This is fair.

In conclusion

The new government after the fall of the US empire will have a new system of electing the head of state that is fair, accountable and can be implemented at scale. Because as of today, all form of elections suck.