The Best Email Marketing for Beginners – How to Get Started

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This is your email marketing for beginners tips to help you get started today.

Two years ago I was working for a small business that helped students learn new languages. Our marketing strategies relied on Facebook ads and Email Marketing.

On one meeting with finance, we found out that half of our monthly revenue came from sending emails. And by the end of the year, half of our email subscribers purchased at least three times.

From there on, we used Facebook ads only to collect lists -much chipper cost per results- and focus our funnels on sending better and more engaging emails to our subscribers.

Stories like this have been advocated for many reasons one of which is because Email is immortal.

Other media come and go but email will be forever. You might have used Myspace long time ago. You might never heard of Myspace. This proves that these kind of media don’t stick around. But Email does.

So, for how long do you think companies like Facebook -and their affiliates- or TikTok sill be relevant?

No one knows.

Fun Fact: I registered Myspace with the same email I registered facebook.

Email marketing has worked to companies before us, it has has worked to us now and it definitely will work for you in the future. You need to start working with your emails.

Since the emergence of email usage in 1971, now we know that about 269 billion emails were sent and received each day in 2017. Campaign Monitor says that email sending is expected to grow to almost 320 billion daily emails in 2021.


Email Marketing for Beginners

In this article you’ll learn how to do email marketing for beginners and start sending email so you and your customers know each other like friends. And in return, they buy your product or services.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing simply refers to your marketing efforts to show your products or services to your potential buyers through sending emails.

To me personally, email marketing is not just a marketing effort. It’s more than that. It is a way to get to know your customers. That’s why one of important thing you should keep in mind when sending emails is to get personalized.

When you do email marketing, you’re sending thousands of emails and most of the time you’ll forget to be personalized with your emails.

It’s true that sending thousand of emails is not email marketing for beginners. But nevertheless, every beginners will become export some day at some point.

We send email to tell a new product that’s we’re going to launch next month. Or sending customer success stories to help answer objections your customers have. Or emailing about tricks and tips on certain topics that your customers need.

In other word, email marketing is sending email to solve your customers’ problems through content. And at the end of the day, they will buy your products or services.

Why do I need to send Email Marketing

As I have discussed about email marketing that it is one of the method we could use to promote our product or surfaces.

Unlike any other tools like the Facebook ads or the Google ads, email marketing is relatively affordable even though you suck at it.

If for example you suck at Facebook ads or the Google ads, you might lose a tons of money.

Furthermore, unlike the social media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or any kind of social media, you have full control over your data. The data control is very important on email marketing for beginners.

Jim from the says that their traffic from Facebook group and page has decreased significantly. This due to the fact that Facebook has revised their policy, changed how their algorithm shows posts to audience. And you have no control whatsoever over your Facebook page or groups.

Now, if you have your email list, you can still send your emails even though the platform you’re using your using like MailChimp or Amazon SES when bankrupt (for some reasons) you can find another platform that provides the same service. As long as you regularly backup your contacts.

Who needs Email Marketing

Practically speaking, everyone who sells Goods online needs to understand how to send emails to their potential buyers or their current buyers.

Below are names that you probably know who are using email marketing of some sorts and have been sending me emails to promote their products or services and share their knowledge.

First, Neil Patel. He owns a marketing agency and every once in awhile he sends me -and most definitely hundred thousand of other people- marketing tips, new podcasts, or promos.

Another famous marketer who uses email marketing to promote the product is Jeff Walker. He and his team teach business owners like you oh how to launch a product online. You have to check him out and buy his book, too.

Lastly, another digital ad agency from Australia KingKong owns by Sabry Subry also practices and teaches email marketing for beginners.

We at also use email to send tips, supports, marketing trends and business insights to our subscribers. Sometimes we also promote our new services to our subscribers like we did when we launch Mesta SMTP Email Sending Service.

If you want to be among other 4400+ of our subscriber, click link this link to join our mailing list.

Big companies have leverage on email marketing so should small businesses who sell courses, yoga training, or fashion.

How to get started with email marketing for beginners

This part of the article is where you need to pay exclusive attention because here we’re going to discuss how you can start sending emails and promote your services or product.

The software

The first thing you need to to have is software where you can use to send emails, set up your campaign, form and automation. The software must have at least the following basic and essential features. Every email marketing software has this features.

  1. Form builders.
  2. Email campaign setup
  3. Email automation
  4. email builder.

The from builders should be easy to fill out and mast have clear and precise CTA or call to actions. The form needs to have (1) your subscribers name and (2) your subscribers email address. You can have more but not recommended practice of email marketing for beginners.

Email campaign is where you can broadcast emails to your subscribers. We use email automation if for example once a subscribers have submitted a form he or she will receive email. This email is sent out automatically by the email automation features.

The last thing that you need to have in your email software is email builders. Here you can customize your email that is mobile friendly, easy to read and doesn’t break in some devices. Meaning, your email should be readable across all devices whether it’s on mobile, Desktop, Android, Mac Etc.

Email list

I should assume that your just starting sending email to your subscribers to promote your product or services so you don’t have enough contacts to send emails to.

That’s why you have come to this page learning about email marketing for beginners. Duh!

Now, we’re going to discuss how you can have 1000 thousand subscribers in the first month.

First, you have to create a freebies or lead magnet that you can give to your subscribers for free and in return they will give you their emails. This exchange is mutually benefited for both party you and the subscribers.

But you have to keep in mind that whatever you’re giving for free should not be spam that you yourself don’t like to have it.

So, spend some time creating your freebies or some other people say lead magnet. Once you have created your freebies you can share it on your social media think of which social media that you think get interaction with you and your brand.

During this time, you will test your websites speed, email open rates and other important variables before you scale it. Once you have a couple hundred of subscribers, you can start your freebies on ads.

The content and products

The next thing you need to think is content that’s related to your products or services. These are the type of content that you’re going to email to your subscribers. It could be anything and should be based on your products or services.

Let’s look at how Lisa has done it beautifully. (her work helps a lot of email marketing for beginners)

The first thing Lisa think when she wants to promote her social media management services, she gives 7 free guidelines on how to write content for social media posts.

The the guidelines are automatically sent daily for 7 days. And on the 8th day, she promotes her services. Some of her subscribers who like what she’s promoting will purchase her surface. And those who don’t we’ll get another emails on the 9th day where she will send testimonials of her social media management service.

So it took her 9 days to help her potential client to understand what she does and how she does it. She also answers any sort of objections that her client may have.

And then every Friday, she will give or send email on tips and tricks how to be successful on social media.

One thing you need to remember when you write content. Your content should represent your brand, what you stand for, what you believe in.

You should not send content to your subscribers content that doesn’t represent your brand, your products or services. That’s by definition dump 🙂

Email marketing software options

In this section, we will discuss how you can start send email using (some) free and affordable email marketing software out there. I have done my research and find out the following brands are options you can use to start sending the email.


MailChimp is one of the Big Brand on email marketing services. If you are just starting out, it is not advisable to start jumping on their service. First they’re extremely expensive especially for small businesses. Second, they charge you based on how many subscribers you have.

They charge you $9 per month per 500 contacts. You can send unlimited emails to those 500 contacts.

They also provide free plans where are you can send 2500 contacts. Their free plan has very limited features. You can only set up one campaign and one email automation. Plus, you cannot get rid of their logo that will be on every emails you send.

So, we skip MailChimp and go to the next one.


Birdsend claims that their pricing is affordable. And it seems like they specifically target Content creators only.

Birdsend 10 pricing is relatively cheaper compared to MailChimp. They charge you $7.2 per month per 1000 contacts. it’s cheaper than MailChimp but for you who just starting out, you might have difficulty sending emails everyday. If you don’t send any email for a day you will also get charged.

Another thing that Birdsend is known for is their dashboard is simple and easy to navigate. However, Birdsend only has basic features of email marketing like form Builder, automation and send broadcasts.

Since Birdsend doesn’t have free plan, you should not consider them to be your first email marketing service provider. Hance, Birdsend is not email marketing for beginners

One thing about is that they have a very sophisticated campaign builder where you only need to set up once and forget. Tis is the tagline set and forget.

Our experience tells us that the first step where we have to set up the campaign is difficult. It’s a lot of trial-and-error, doing A/B testing on subject emails, call to action, email body etc. So, is not as easy as they have claimed it.

You can however start sending emails on their platform because they have free plan forever where you can have up to 2500 subscribers. Plus you can send up to 15.000 emails per month.

From this description, do you thing that is the software good for email marketing for beginners.

Let’s say you you already have 2500 subscribers, that means you can only send email for 6 days. that’s a bummer!

En.Kirim.Email is a newcomer on email marketing software. Their plan it’s a lot interesting because they charge you roughly 150 dollars per year and you can send unlimited unlimited emails to 1000 contact.

That’s a lot cheaper that any email marketing software. But, it’s unlikely that your subscriber list stays the same for a whole year.

And if you reach 2000 subscribers, you’ll get charged roughly $300.

Kirim.Email is definitely not for small business.

Mesta SMTP is unlike other email marketing software. Mesta charges you based on how many emails you send not based on how many contacts you have. This type of plan is a lot affordable for you who are just starting email marketing for beginners.

Mesta will give you email credits where each email sent counts as 1 credit. Your email credit will never expire. If you don’t send any email, your email credit stays the same. Email credit is only reduced if you send an email.

If you now have 5000 contacts and you want to send emails every Monday and Friday, that means you need 40.000 email credits.

Mesta charges you 0.0006 per email credit How cool is that.

Things to keep in mind! Mesta sends your emails to your subscribers via SMTP Relays. That means, Mesta only sends your emails and does not provide the software to send them.


There are a lot email marketing software that’s GPL License. Meaning It’s Open Source and Free to Use. The most commonly used Open Source email marketing software is Mautic.

Mautic has tons of features that no other commercialized software has. If you’re just starting out on email marketing, Mautic + Mesta SMTP is the right choice.

If you want to send email using email credits. Klik this link to learn more.


Email is immortal. It outlives a lot of other media. You should start doing email marketing. All you need to do is choose the right software, the right way to send emails and the right content to send to your subcribers.

This is the guide for sending email marketing for beginners. If you want content like this, consider subscribe to our mailing list.

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Salma – Internet Marketer says “whatever they write, they’ve proved it on their emails”

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